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【摘要】  目的 比较金属烤瓷冠与全瓷冠修复前牙的美学效果及牙周组织变化。方法 对160例患者的208颗前牙进行烤瓷冠修复,按修复方法分为2组:镍铬合金烤瓷冠组和氧化锆全瓷冠组(各104颗牙),1年后随访2组患者,观察修复初和1年后修复体外形、色泽,以及牙龈变化,并进行比较。结果 修复1年后,两种冠修复体的外形和色泽无明显改变。镍铬合金烤瓷冠修复后,65.4%的患牙牙龈发生变色,30.8%患牙出现轻度牙龈炎;氧化锆全瓷冠修复后无一例患牙发生牙龈变色及牙龈炎。结论 全瓷冠较金属烤瓷冠修复前牙美学效果更佳,且对牙周组织影响更小。

【关键词】  镍铬合金烤瓷冠;氧化锆全瓷冠;前牙;美学效果

Clinical Evaluation on Effect of Restoring Anterior Teeth with Porcelain

Fused to Metal Crown and All Ceramic Crown

Yu Zhigang1, Leng Xianwen21 Department of Stomatology, Huiji Hospital, Hubei Technology College, Xiaogan 432000

2 Department of Stomatology,Xiaogan Stomatology Hospital, Xiaogan 432000

【Abstract】Objective To compare the esthetic effect and the change of periodontal tissue in restoring anterior teeth with porcelain fused to metal crown and all ceramic crown.Methods A total of 208 anterior teeth from 160 patients were restored, in which 104 teeth were restored with Ni-Cr alloy PFM, 104 teeth were restored with zirconia all-ceramic crown. Follow-up study was carried out one year later, to compare the change of shape, colour of the two crown and gingiva.Results One year after restoration, no obvious difference was found in shape and colour of the two crowns. 65.4% cases restored by Ni-Cr alloy PFM showed change of gingival color and 30.8% cases showed gingivitis. However, amo

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