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[摘要] 目的探讨一次性根管充填治疗恒前牙外伤性冠折的疗效。方法选择因外伤致冠折的115例患者的131 颗牙齿为研究对象。68 例患者的76 颗冠折牙为试验组进行一次性根管治疗;47 例患者的55 颗冠折牙为对照组进行常规根管治疗。所有患牙均在治疗后12 个月复查,根据疗效评价标准,评价治疗效果。结果试验组76 颗牙齿均治疗成功,其治疗成功率为100%;对照组55 颗牙齿中54 颗治疗成功,其治疗成功率为98.2%。结论一次性根管治疗外伤性恒前牙冠折的临床疗效良好。

[关键词] 根管内注射; 根管治疗; 临床疗效

[Abstr act] Objective To clinically evaluate the curative effect of one- appointment root canal therapy for the crown fracture teeth caused by injury. Methods 76 teeth which fractured in the crown by injury from 68 cases were treated with one - appointment root canal therapy, and 55 teeth from 47 cases taking routine treatment in another group. In the test group, after the root canal preparation were finished, lidocaine hydrochloride added in epinephine beforehand was directly injected into the bone tissue of root apex through root canal to stop bleeding.If necessary, use cotton broach (3% hydrogen peroxide or epinephine) to press the root apex to stop bleeding.The canal was filled when there was no blood to ooze. To observe the treatment effect twelve months later. Results 76 teeth in the test group all obtained the successful treatment, while in the comparison group there was

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