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评价氢氧化钙作为根管内药物预防根管治疗术后疼痛的效果。方法选择90 颗牙髓坏死的前磨牙,将其随机分为A、B、C 组,每组30 颗牙。A 组患牙1 次完成根管治疗;B 组患牙2 次完成根管治疗,但约诊期间根管内不封任何药物;C 组患牙2 次完成根管治疗,但约诊期间根管内封Ca(OH)2糊剂。采用改良10 点视觉模拟量表对患者根管治疗后疼痛的严重程度进行评价,比较3 组患者根管治疗后的疼痛水平。结果A 组与B 组、B 组与C 组患者根管治疗术后疼痛的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),A 组与C 组患者根管治疗术后疼痛的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论氢氧化钙作为根管内封药可有效预防根管充填后疼痛的发生。

[关键词] 氢氧化钙; 根管治疗; 疼痛

[Abstr act] Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of pain after pulp canal therapy of pulp necrosis teeth using calcium hydroxide as an intracanal dressing. Methods Ninety single- root necrotic premolars of 90 patients participated in this study. These teeth were randomly divided into three groups of 30 teeth.The teeth in group A were treated in a single- visit approach, the teeth in group B with a two- visit approach without any intracanal dressing and the teeth in group C with a two- visit approach using calcium hydroxide as an intracanal dressing. All of the patients were followed for 72 hours after treatment. The data were analyzed by chisquare test. Results There were significant difference between group A and group B, group B and group C(P<0.05). There was no significant d

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