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【摘要】  目的 评价感染根管一次性根管治疗的临床效果和可靠性。方法 选择临床诊断为牙髓坏死、慢性根尖周炎、急性根尖周炎的单根管患牙138颗为研究对象。76颗患牙在一次治疗内完成根管预备和根管充填,设为一次组;62颗患牙经2次治疗后完成根管充填(第1次治疗后氢氧化钙封药1周),设为二次组。观察2组在根管治疗术前、术后的疼痛状况,评价术后6月、1年和2年的治愈率,比较2组的临床疗效。结果 根管治疗后,一次组和二次组术后疼痛率的差异无统计学意义。术后6月、1年和2年,一次组的治愈率为68.4%、92.1%、98.7%,二次组分别为64.5%、91.9%、96.8%,2组治愈率的差异也无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 与2次治疗后完成根管充填相比,一次性根管治疗的术后疼痛和2年治愈率差异不大,且疼痛期较短,具有一定的临床可行性。

【关键词】  一次性根管治疗; 感染根管; 疼痛

[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the post-operative pain level and two years healing of one-visit endodontic treatment for infected root canals. Methods 76 infected cases were included in one-visit root canal therapy group and 62 infected cases in two-visit group using calcium hydroxide as an interappointment medicament. A comparison of the clinical results was done between the two groups. The main assessments included pre- and post-operative pain evaluated by patients and dentists, and the healing response after six months, one year and two years. Results There was no statistical significance between the groups regarding pain 7 days after operation and two years′ cure rate. After six months, one year and two years, the cure rat

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