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[摘要]  目的  观察后磨牙拔牙术后,牙根间隔与牙槽嵴相对高度和创面愈合过程中发生干槽症的关系。方法  148例患者共165颗后磨牙拔除,术毕保留牙根间隔高度。观察牙根间隔高度与创面愈合的临床关系。结果  牙根间隔高度位于龈端三分之一干槽症的发生率为100%,中三分之一干槽症的发生率为25%,底端三分之一干槽症的发生率为4.3%。结论  较低的牙根间隔可显著减少拔牙术后干槽症的发病率。适量降低牙根间隔高度可获得较好的临床愈合,牙根间隔高度与干槽症的发生具有相关性。

[关键词]  牙根间隔;干槽症;血凝块

[Abstract]  Objective  To observe the relationship between the height of interradicular septa compared with alveolar ridge and the incidence of dry socket after the operation of pulling out the molars. Methods  165 molars in 148 cases were pulled out, hold back the height of interradicular after operation. The relativity between the height of interradicular septa and the clinical healing were observed. Results  From the edge of alveolar ridge to the base of alveolar sockets, the height of interradicular septa was divided into thirds. The incidence rate of dry socket is 100% in the cases with the gums 1/3. Middle 1/3 is 25%. Basal 1/3 is 4.3%. Conclusion  The level of happiness of dry sockets decreased remarkable in cases with lower height of interradicular septa. The height of interradicular septa is relative to the incident rate of dry sockets.

[Key words]  interradicular septa;

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