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手用镍钛protaper与机用镍钛kerr k3器械预备根管成形的效果分析

【摘要】目的评价使用两种镍钛器械预备磨牙根管的临床疗效。方法选取需要进行根管治疗的150颗患有牙髓炎及根尖炎的磨牙,分别用手用镍钛器械protaper,机用器械kerr k3预备根管,两组均使用侧压充填法充填根管。记录根管预备时间,器械折断数量。根据治疗前、中、后的X线片观察根管的变化,评价根管预备和充填的效果。结果protaper和kerr k3预备根管时间短,根管锥度、流畅度好。Prtaper器械有9例器械分离,kerr k3未发生器械折断(P<0.05)。结论手用镍钛器械protaper和机用kerr k3预备磨牙根管成锥形,根充效果好。Protaper易折断,Kerr k3不易折断。

【关键词】  根管疗法;牙科器械;镍;钛

Effect Analysis of Root Canal Preparation by Nickel-titanium Hand and by Nickel-titanium Kerr k3 Instruments

Lou Jia

Department of Stomatology, the 2nd People’s Hospital of Liangshan Yi Nationality Autonomous Prefecture, Xicang City, Sichuan Province, P. R. China 651000

AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the clinical effects of two kinds of nickel-titanium instruments in root canal preparation.Methods150 molars with pulpitis or apicitis were divided into 2 groups, their root canal preparations were performed with nickel-titanium protaper hand and nickel-titanium Kerr k3 instrument respectively; the molars in both groups were all obturated with lateral condensation method; the time of root canal preparation and the numbers of instrument fracture were recorded; the X-ray films before, during and after treatment were compared in evaluat

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