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【摘要】目的观察Vitapex糊剂运用于有窦型慢性根尖周脓肿根管内封药消毒的临床效果。方法选择在同一牙列上有二颗磨牙均患有窦型慢性根尖周脓肿的病例100例,共200颗患牙。将同一病例的二颗患牙分别设为试验组和对照组,同时进行根管治疗。试验组(100颗牙)采用Vitapex糊剂根管内封药消毒,对照组(100颗牙)采用氢氧化钙糊剂根管内封药消毒,对两组根管消毒效果进行临床观察和比较。结果 试验组74%(74/100)封药1次后即可行根管充填术,对照组52%(52/100)封药1次后可行根管充填术,两组间封药1次的根管充填率差异有显着性(P<0. 05)。试验组平均封药次数为1.30次,对照组平均封药次数为1.56次。结论 用Vitapex糊剂根管内封药消毒能够减少有窦型慢性根尖周脓肿根管封药消毒的次数,有利于窦道的尽快愈合。

【关键词】  Vitapex糊剂;氢氧化钙;根管消毒;有窦型慢性根尖周脓肿

[Abstract] Objective To observe the clinical effect of Vitapex paste used in root canaldisinfection on periapical abscesswith sinuses.Methods Choosing 100 patients, each of them has 2 teeth of chronic periapical abscess with sinuses on the same dentition, the 2 teeth of each patientwere divided into a test group and a control group, implementing the root canal therapy at the same time with autogenous ectopic contrast. The test group was disinfected using Vitapex paste in root canals, while calcium hydroxidewas used for the control group, and clinical observation and contrast on root canal disinfection were continued between these 2 groups.Results 74% (74/100) in the test group could be started root canal filling after 1 block therapy, but 52% (52/100) in the control group could be started root canal filling after 1 block therapy. Statistical differences (P<0.05) exis

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