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【摘要】目的 观察自制根管充填糊剂甲硝唑氢氧化钙碘仿糊剂在一次性根管治疗中的术后疼痛及远期疗效。方法 选取295例359颗患急、慢性牙髓炎,牙髓坏死及窦道型慢性根尖周炎的病例,随机分为实验组(用甲硝唑氢氧化钙碘仿糊剂)181颗和对照组(用甲醛甲酚根充糊剂)178颗,观察根管治疗术后的疼痛反应和远期疗效。结果 实验组根管治疗术后的疼痛反应比对照组少且有显著性差异,远期疗效无显著性差异。 结论 自制的甲硝唑氢氧化钙糊剂可有效地减少根管治疗术后的疼痛且远期效果良好。

【关键词】  甲硝唑氢氧化钙碘仿糊剂;一次性根管治疗;术后疼痛;远期效果

Curative Effect Observation of Self-made Root Canal Paste in Single-vist Root Canal Treatment
Ran Zhu,the Central Hospital of Dazhou City,Sichuan Province 635000
ABSTRACT     Objective   To observe the postoperative pain reaction and the long-term curative effect of self-made root canal paste (metronidazole calcium-hydroxide-iodoform paste) used in single-visit root canal treatment. Methodss   359 teeth from 295 cases with acute or chronic pulpitis,pulpnecrosis and chronical periapical periodontitis with sinus were selected and randomly divided into 2 groups: treatment group (n=181 teeth,treated with metronidazole calcium-hudroxide-iodofrom paste) and control group (n=178 teeth,treated with formocresol root canal paste),and the pain reaction and long-term curative effect after root canal treatment were observ

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