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【关键词】  约诊间疼痛;根管内封药;氢氧化钙碘仿;氧化锌丁香油

Efficacy of two vital pulp conservation medications on postoperative pain in root canal treatment

WU Haixiong, HE  Shengteng

(Department of Stomatology, Nongken Hospital Sanya Sanya 572000)

    [ABSTRACT] Objective: To observe the efficacy of two vital pulp conservation medications on postoperative pain in root canal treatment. Methods: Eighty outpatients with chronic pulpitis and chronic perapical periodonititis in anterior teeth were randomized into three treatment groups with different interacanal medications. Group I: calcium hydroxide paste and iodoform group with 30 patients; group II: Zinc oxide eugenol paste group with 30 patients; group III: control group with 20 patients. Pain degree was recorded before surgery; prepared the canals with step back technique and crowndown technique; recorded patients pain degree 496 hours after surgery by Visual analogue scale (VAS); and recorded pain degree when patients returned one week after surgery. Results: Average presurgery pain score was 19.007; average 4 hours postsurgery pain score was 17.861;  average 24 hours postsurgery pain score was 15.858; average 48 hours postsurgery pa

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