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【摘要】目的: 探讨老年人根管治疗失败病例的牙再植术的临床效果。方法: 对56 颗经临床常规根管治疗无治愈希望的根尖周炎患牙, 行即刻原位牙再植术。结果: 经5- 10 年观察, 根尖周炎根管治疗失败后, 采用牙再植术治疗的临床成功率为87. 50%; 再植5 年以内、5- 10 年、10 年以上患牙的成功率无显著差异(P> 0. 05)。结论: 对老年人根管治疗失败患牙开展牙再植术, 可以挽救许多治疗无希望的患牙。
关键词: 老年人; 根尖周炎; 根管治疗; 牙再植

[中国图书分类号] R781. 05 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672- 2973(2008)02- 0069- 03
Tooth r eplantation after root canal ther apy failur e in aged patientsWU Chun- qiu, DENG Lan, LI Yu- wei. ( Department of stomatology ,The 313rd hospital of PLA of China, Liaoning,125000,China)
[Abstr act] Objective: Toobserve the effects of tooth replantation on refractory periapicalperiodontitis in aged patients.Methods: 56 aged patients with refractory periapical periodontitis in were treated with tooth replantation. Results: Theresults indicated that total rate of clinical success rate was 87.50% not there were no significane difterencer between 5years, 5-10 years and above 10 years after trcatment. Conclusion: Tooth replantation on refractory periapical periodontitisin aged patients could salvage many intractable teeth.
Key words: aged; periapical periodontitis; root canal therapy; tooth replantation

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