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【摘要】  目的 讨论正畸矫正弓丝两种不同固定办法对托槽四周致龋菌的影响,并比拟两种固定办法的临床任务效率。办法 随机选择运用固定矫治器的44名患者, 采用随机法在牙列一侧运用结扎丝固定弓丝,另一侧运用结扎圈固定弓丝,比拟两者的椅旁操作时间。并对患者托槽四周的菌斑进行细菌厌氧培育,研讨运用两种弓丝固定办法3个月后牙面变形链球菌附着状况的变化。后果 用结扎丝的拆、扎上下半口弓丝的总时间均匀为170.89s,用结扎圈的拆、扎上下半口弓丝的总时间均匀为121.46s。经统计学剖析,两者之间有明显性差别(P<0.001)。固定矫治器粘结后托槽四周牙面菌斑变形链球菌数量和在总菌中的百分比有明显增高,但运用结扎丝固定弓丝与运用结扎圈固定弓丝的牙面菌斑之间没有明显性差别。结论 固定矫治器粘结后患者龋易理性加强。弓丝固定资料的选择并不会对相应牙面菌斑的致龋性发生间接的影响。用结扎圈进行弓丝结扎固定可以节省椅旁操作时间,进步任务效率。但结扎圈的运用不能完全替代结扎丝。

【关键词】  固定矫治器;弓丝;结扎丝;结扎圈;变形链球菌

Abstract:Objective: To study the influence of two different archwire ligations to the cariogenic microorganisms surrounding the bracket, and compare the clinical efficiency of them. Methods: 44 patients undergoing fixed appliance treatment were observed. Randomly in one side of the denture wire ligatures were used, and in the other side clastomeric rings were used. . Chairtimes of the two ligations were compared. After 3 months S.mutans and total anaerobic bacteria around brackets were cultured anaerobically. Results: The mean time of elastometric ligation was 121.46 seconds, which was much shorter than the time of 170.89 seconds with wire ligatures, and there was significant statistic difference(P<0.001).There was an obvious increasing of the number and percentage of S.mutans three months later after bonding straight wire appliance. But there was no significant difference be

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