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【摘要】  根管再治疗是指初次根管治疗失败,患牙的感染仍旧持续或再次出现感染症状时需去除原充填物,重新进行的根管预备、消毒和充填。彻底去除根管内充填材料是根管再治疗成功的关键,而再治疗过程中去除根管充填材料非常困难。随着现代根管治疗技术的发展,去除根管充填物的技术方法也在不断丰富和完善,通过使用各种根管锉系统、有机溶剂、超声器械和根管显微镜等现代技术,以求达到最大的清洁效果。本文就现代根管治疗技术去除根管内充填物的研究现状作一综述。

【关键词】  根管再治疗; 根管充填物; 机动式镍钛根管锉; 根管显微镜

AResearch progress of root filling material removal by modern methods of root treatment  XIA Qian, GUO Bin. (State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China)

[Abstract]  The re-treatment of failed endodontic treatment includes complete removal of the root filling material, shaping root canals, disinfection with medicaments and ultimately filling. Removing as much filling material as possible is very essential for success. However, one of the greatest difficulties faced by re-treatment is achieving complete removal of filling materials. With the development of modern instruments and techniques, stainless steel hand files, engine-driven rotary files, solvents, heat-carrying and ultrasonic instruments are helpful devices aiming to remove completely the root filling material. This review was undertaken of the current l

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