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【摘要】  目的:探讨伴有先天缺牙的错牙合畸形患者先天缺牙的部位、类型和矫治方法。方法:25例先天缺失下颌个别前牙1~2颗的患者,其中17例采用减数方法进行矫治,5例集中间隙,结合修复进行治疗,3例结合邻面去釉、改变牙轴等手段解除拥挤,采用调整中线和Bolton指数的方法进行矫治。对矫治前、后模型进行测量,并对缺牙数目、错牙合类型、矫治方法等进行分析。结果:先天缺失1颗下切牙15例,先天缺失2颗下切牙10例,磨牙咬合关系多为远中,共18例,中性关系7例。结论:对有先天缺牙的错牙合畸形的矫治,应根据缺牙部位、数目、错牙合情况及上下颌牙量等方面情况进行综合分析,制定合适的矫治方案。其中,结合补偿性减数是矫治患有先天缺牙的错牙合畸形的常用方法。

【关键词】  下颌个别牙先天缺失 错牙合畸形 矫正治疗

Abstract: Objective: To study the treatment methods of malocclusion patients with congenitally missing teeth, and to explore the position, type and treatment methods of congenitally missing teeth. Methods: Twenty five patients with congenital missing of one or two incisors, 17 patients were treated with extraction, 5 patients were treated orthodontically and prostbodontically. 3 patients were treated with slenderizing to solve crowding and adjust median line and Bolton index. Model were measured orthodontically and prosthodontically. The number of missing teeth, malocclusion type and treatment methods were analysed. Results: There were 15 patients with one incisors missing and 10 patients with two incisors missing. There were 18 patients with distocclusal and 7 patients with mesognthism. Conclusions:  Patients with congenitally missing teeth can be treated by extraction, stripping of enamel and regaining space according to different types of missing teeth. Extraction therapy was often

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