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[摘要] 约诊间痛是根管治疗中常见的并发症,其发生的主要原因是根尖周组织在根管治疗过程中受到机械、化学或微生物损害,导致大量炎性介质释放或激活,引发了急性根尖周炎症反应。了解约诊间痛的发生机制将有助于制定有效的预防和控制措施。

[关键词] 根管治疗; 疼痛; 机制

[Abstr act] Endodontic interappointment pain is a common complication of root canal therapy. The main causative factors encompass mechanical, chemical, and microbial injury to the periradicular tissues during root canal therapy.In response to the injury, a large mass of chemical mediators are released or activated, and acute inflammation occurs at the periradicular tissues, which leads to the interappointment pain. Knowledge on the mechanisms of interappointment

pain can help clinicians to take effective measures for prevention and management.

[Key words] root canal therapy; pain; mechanism

根管治疗约诊间痛(endodontic interappointment pain,EIAP)是指根管治疗期间,发生的疼痛和(或)肿胀反应,通常为根管预备后。研究发现,约有13%~59%[1- 3]的患者会发生轻、中度EIAP,重度EIAP 即约诊间急症的发生率很低,为1.5%~5.5%[4]。虽有研究证实EIAP 的发生不会影响根管治疗的预后[5],但它的确给患者带来了痛苦并可能影响医患关系,因此,了解其发生机制及相关因素对于临床医生采取有效的预防和控制措施是非常重要的。

1 根管治疗约诊间痛的发生机制

EIAP 的发生,目前认为主要是因为根尖周组织在根管治疗过程中受到机械、化学或微生物损害,导致大量炎性介质释放或激活,引发了急性根尖周炎症反应,从而表现出疼痛和肿胀[6]。

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