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 [摘要] 目的:探讨微型种植体作为正畸支抗在压低磨牙中的应用。方法:选择5例需要压低磨牙的患者(包括3例开牙合患者和两例因对牙合牙缺失而致磨牙伸长的修复前正畸患者),使用微型种植体作支抗压低磨牙,治疗前后拍摄头颅侧位定位片,测量比较磨牙在矫治前后的压低量。结果:矫治结束后开牙合患者前牙达到正常的覆牙合覆盖,修复前正畸患者矫治至缺牙区能进行常规修复。磨牙平均压低31mm。结论:应用种植体作支抗能有效地压低磨牙,为某些错合畸形的矫治提供了新思路。

[关键词] 微型种植体 支抗 磨牙压低
Applications for micro-implant anchorage lower molars
Feng Yao
(Chencun Shunde District of Foshan City in Guangdong Foshan Stomatological Hospital 528313)

[Abstract]Objective: To show the efficiency of mini-screw implants as anchorage for molar intrusion Methods: Three patients with anterior open-bite and two patients with extruded molars were treated with mini-screw implants as anchorage for molar intrusion Lateral cephalograms were taken at the beginning and the end of the treatment The movement of molars in vertical dimension were analyzed Results:In open-bite patients overjet and overbite were corrected, and the molars were average intruded 31mm Conclusion:To intrusion molar,mini-srcew implant is an effective method

[Key words] Mini-screw implant Anchorage Molar intrusion



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