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[摘要]目的:研究微型种植体支抗治疗双颌前突病例的,临床应用效果。方法:选择在沈阳市口腔医院正畸科就诊,符合纳入标准的双颌前突患者14例,随机分成2组,分别采用微型种植体与传统方法加强支抗,通过术前术后X线头影测量结果变化评价2种支抗方法的临床有效性。结果:2组患者在6~8个月后上下颌前牙内收均达到预定位置,实验组上下颌第一恒磨牙牙冠分别近中移动0、29 mm和0.56 mm,上下颌切牙切缘分别腭侧移动6.93 mm和6.03 mm;对照组上下颌第一恒磨牙牙冠分别近中移动1.36 mm和1.96 mm,上下切牙切缘分别腭侧移动5.79 mm和4.21 mm。结论:微型种植体支抗完全可以代替传统支抗方法,满足正畸临床治疗双颌前突的需要,实现前牙最大程度的内收。


[中图分类号]R783.5 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】0258—4646(2006)04—0395—03

Position changes of incisors and molars in the treatment of bimaxillary protrusion with micro-implant orthodontic anchorage
JIANG Xiao—hong,ZHANG rang,LIU Ji—hui,XU ran

(Department of Orthodontics,The Afiliated Stomatologlcal Hospital,China Medical University,Shenyang 110002,China)

[Abstract] 0bjective:To investigate the clinical outcome of bimaxilary protrusion following the treatment with micro—implant as
orthodontic anchorage Methods:Fourteen patients were selected according to the selection criteria and randomly divided into 2 groups:experiment group(using micro—implant as the orthodontic anchorage)and control group(using traditional orthodontic anchor—age). Cephalometric measurements before and after the treatment were used to evaluate the clinical  tcomes.Results:The a

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