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applied to the mini-implants for four months, the mini-implant was recorded as successfulanchorage. After immediate loading for four months, the analyses were completed by SPSS 9.0 software. Results  Of the 306 inserted mini-implants, 162 were absolutely separated from PDL, 136 appeared to touch or overlay on PDL,but not contact to the adjacent roots, and 8 were excluded from this study because of injury to the adjacent root. The success rates of group Ⅰ and Ⅱ were 87.0% and 65.4% respectively. There were significant differences in the success rates between the two groups(P<0.001). The differences between the two groups in distribution of the upper right and left area had statistical significance(P<0.05). Conclusion  PDL injury is one of the main reasons leading to early loosening of the mini-implant.

[Key words]  mini-implant; periodontal ligament; initial stability; immediately loading


1  资料和办法

1.1  研讨对象的选择


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